Community Health: Get Started
Library Services
The Library is open for PSU students, faculty, and staff to access the stacks, study spaces, computer labs, and Learning Center appointments. Your PSU ID card is required to enter the building.
The Circulation Desk is open for checking out course reserves, laptops, and other equipment, as well as library materials.
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In This Guide
Community Health at Portland State University provides students an experience to study health in a multidisciplinary environment. It touches upon psychology, medicine, economics, sociology, policy, public administration, planning, and more. This guide will help you navigate library research, but you might also consult Library DIY to brush-up on your library and research skills.
Use the tabs above to navigate through the following pages of the guide:
Reference Works - find dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other works.
Find Books - find print and eBooks and learn how the library can get you books we don't have in our collection.
Find Articles - search for articles online and in print. Recommends the best resources for finding community health articles.
PubMed Help - learn how to effectively search PubMed.
Find Statistics - find the best places for statistics useful for research and study of Community Health.
Evidence-Based - find resources and techniques that will help you get research that is evidence-based.
Health Sciences - Use this page for more specific information on researching health sciences.
Citing Sources - Get information about how to properly cite your research sources.
Image courtesy of Flickr user Clyde Robinson
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