Government Information: Freedom of Information Act

Other Open Government Sources

Sunlight Foundation
This non-profit, nonpartisan organization uses the power of the Internet to spur government openness and transparency.

Open Government Initiative
Obama Administration website reporting efforts hopes to oversee a new era of open and accountable government. Read more at this link.


Freedom Of Information Act - Introduction

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was enacted in 1966 and provides any person the right to obtain access to Federal agency records, with the exception of those records protected from public disclosure. Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court acknowledge FOIA to be a vital part of our democracy.

A FOIA request can be sent to a Federal agency for any Federal agency record. Requests should be sent to the appropriate agency, and each agency's website contains information about the type of records it holds, allowing the public to determine to whom to make a FOIA request.

FOIA applies to Federal agencies only, so does not apply to the Judicial Branch and the Courts, the Legislative Branch and Congress, or State Governments and Courts.

In Oregon and many other states, public records access may be managed through the State Attorney's office - Oregon Public Records Information

FOIA Data and Information

Declassified Documents