Government Information: Other Nations, IGOs & NGOs

Country Profiles

United Nations & Canadian Documents

Intergovernmental Organizations

What is an IGO? 

  • An international IGO is a group of sovereign states, often established through a treaty, with mutual intersests which works toward a unified goal. 

Non-governmental Organizations Portals

What is an NGO?

  • An NGO, or Non-governmental Organization, is an organization focused on humanitarian issues, often social problems with a political aspect (eg. human rights, relief services, women's rights).  
  • NGOs may receive partial or full funding from governments (including Inter-Governmental Organizations) but are not directly part of the structure of any government.  NGOs also generally exclude government representatives from membership. 

What kind of information do international NGOs produce?

  • Publications describing their work
  • Publications describing and evaluating problems
  • Policy suggestions (e.g. green papers)
  • Conference papers and publications
  • Case studies
  • International statistics concerning humanitarian issues


Here are some resources for learning more about elections and how they are used in other countries around the world.