Government Information: Citing

Citing Government Publications

Citation varies between MLA, APA, Chicago, and other style guides, but generally speaking government documents are cited as:

Printed Government Document
Name of Government Department, Agency or Committee. (Year of Publication). Title of document: Subtitle (edition if applicable). Publisher Name.
In Text:
(Name of Government Department, Agency or Committee, Year, p. Page Number)

Name of Act, public law number, (year).
In Text:
(Name of Act, public law number, year)

Bill or Resolution (including those that are unpassed)
Title [if applicable], bill or resolution number, xxx Cong. (year).
In Text:
(Title, year, S. #, "section title")

Government Website
Name of Government Department, Agency or Committee. (Year of Publication, Month Day). Title of document: Subtitle (edition if given). Publisher
      Name. URL
In Text:
(Name of Government Department, Agency or Committee, Year)

Court Case
Name v. Name, Volume Source Page (Court Date).
In Text:
(Name v. Name, date)

Below are additional resources:

Citation Guides (University of Nebraska, Kearney)  

Helpful hints for MLA, APA, ASA, and Chicago Turabian styles of in-text and works cited citations.

Citation Samples for Government Information Sources: MLA Style
Created by the University of Nevada, Reno.

How to Cite US Government Documents in MLA, APA Citation Style prepared by Cornell University Library.

For more options, see Citing Government Documents hosted by Columbia University or

For older documents, check
Citing Government Documents: The complete guide to citing government information resources : a manual for writers & librarians. (at PSU Library) Call Number Z7164 .G7 G37 1993