Athletic & Outdoor Industry: Market Research
Core Library Resources
Best Bets
- SMA: Sports Market Analytics (formerly SBRNet: Sport Business Research Network)Click on a sport (e.g., fishing) then find content relevant to it. Data availability and currency depend on the sources.
- MintelMarket research reports. Use the following keywords to find relevant reports: sports, outdoor, fitness, [sport name], green, millennials, etc.
- Passport (by Euromonitor)Statistics and analyses on industries and consumers. Click on the Industries tab to find specific research reports (e.g., Wearables in the US, Sportswear in the US).
- IBISWorldIn-depth reports on US industries.
- StatistaProvides statistics from over 18,000 free and proprietary sources on a wide range of topics such as business, media, and demographics.
- MRI-SimmonsDemographics, psychographics, and media usage of U.S. adult consumers. Allows 5 simultaneous users.
Also Try
- Business Source PremierCovers broad industries (e.g., sports equipment). Each profile has a Five Forces analysis of the industry. ** Check out the database tutorial to learn the most effective way to search for industry profiles.
- Business Insights: GlobalClick on the Industries tab on the top menu bar. You can also search for a main player in your industry, then click on the industries listed in the company profile.
Industry/Trade Associations
An industry association is established to advocate for the industry and associated companies. They collect and provide unique data/articles/reports. Sometimes these sources are on their websites for free.
To find the industry association websites:
- Do a Google search with keywords followed by "association".
- Industry profiles in library databases may have a section for related associations. For example, in the IBISWorld report, look under the External Environment -> Assistance -> Non-government section.
Additional Resources
PSU does NOT provide access to these resources. They are listed here for your reference only.
- EDM PublicationsBusiness newsletters on the European sporting goods and outdoor market + non-athletic footwear and eyewear. Market research on European countries and the BRICS for sporting goods, golf and outdoor products.
- Heard on the TeeLatest golf industry news.
- NPD GroupMarket share reports based on cash register tracking data. Also, consumer research and many special reports on various segments of the sporting goods market.
- SGB MediaTrade publications and data on the sporting goods industry.
Data from Industry Associations (NSGA/SFIA)
- NSGA Reports & StatisticsReports and datasets from National Sporting Goods Association. Includes: Sports Participation in the US (2019-), Sports Participation Lifecycle Demographics (2019-), Gen Z Shopper Playbook (2022), Shopper Playbook (2015), and The Sporting Goods Market (2019).
Industry Research
Consumer Research
Useful Websites
- Pew Research Center"A nonpartisan fact tank" on issues, attitudes, and trends, covering topics such as politics, media, social trends, religion, technology, etc..
- GallupPublic opinion polls
- YouGovPublic opinion poll
- Harris Poll"Tracking the sentiment, behaviors and motivations of American adults since 1963"
- Nielsen Insights"Discover the latest Nielsen insights based on our robust data and analytics to connect and engage with today's audiences"
- American Time Use SurveyMeasures the amount of time people spend doing various activities, such as paid work, childcare, volunteering, and socializing. Collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- Think with Google Consumer InsightsArticles and reports with data and analysis on consumer behaviors.