Athletic & Outdoor Industry: Video
The True Cost
- The True CostThis is a story about clothing. It's about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. The price of clothing has been decreasing for decades, while the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically... A groundbreaking documentary film that pulls back the curtain on the untold story and asks us to consider, who really pays the price for our clothing?
** Best on WIFI (may not work properly on cellular networks.
Library Streaming Videos
The easiest way to find streaming videos available through the Library is to use the library catalog (search box on the homepage): do a keyword search, under Refine My Results (menu on the left of the results page), scroll down to Resource Type, select eVideos.
Or you can browse/search directly in the video platforms listed below:
- Films On DemandMaintains a collection of streaming videos, educational films, and video segments in the humanities & social sciences, business & economics, science & mathematics, health & medicine, technical education, family & consumer sciences, careers & job searching, and guidance & counseling. Closed captions and/or interactive transcripts are available for many, but not all, titles.
- Docuseek2 CollectionProvides access to academic or scholarly documentaries, social issues films, and videos. Closed captions and/or subtitles available for many, but not all, titles.
- Academic Video OnlineProvides a comprehensive collection of academic streaming media videos from multiple subject areas.
- Kanopy Streaming ServiceProvides streaming access to selected documentaries and films including selections from the Criterion Collection. Closed captions and transcripts are available.