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Using this Guide

This guide was developed to support research in demography. Many disciplines utilize demographics and demographic research, including but not limited to: Urban & Regional Planning, Geography, Sociology, Public Administration, and Public Health. This guide outlines what is demography, highlights strategies for demographic research, and offers suggested search tools to conduct demographic research. Navigate this guide's contents by using the tabs, or any of the following links:" "

Image CC-BY-SA - Courtesy of JimIrwin

What is Social Demography?

" concerned with the explanations and consequences of population trends and differentials, drawing upon a range of relevant disciplinary perspectives."

Wilkinson, D. (2005). Developments in postgraduate study. In Sage Study Skills: The essential guide to postgraduate study (pp. 8-38).: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Related Guides

What are and why use demographics?

The term demographics refers to particular characteristics of a population. The word is derived from the Greek words for people (demos) and picture (graphy). Examples of demographic characteristics include age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, income, education, home ownership, sexual orientation, marital status, family size, health and disability status, and psychiatric diagnosis.

-Lee, M., & Schuele, C. (2010). Demographics. In Neil J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Research Design. (pp. 347-348). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. 

Guide Owner

Emily Ford