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In this Guide
The Toulan School of Urban Studies & Planning at Portland State University offers multidisciplinary programs and houses several research institutes. They all focus on a common goal-- understanding metropolitan regions, issues, and policies. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of Urban Studies research, you'll find use of the resources listed in this guide, but may also wish to explore the related guides linked on this page.
Image courtesy of Aaron Hockley
Use the tabs above to navigate through the following pages of the guide:
- Reference WorksFind reference books and full-text online reference sources.
- Books & eBooksFind books in the library and eBooks.
- Articles & MoreFind articles and other scholarly literature.
- Find Statistics/DemographicsFind the best places for statistics useful for research and study of urban studies and planning.
- Grey LiteratureUnderstand grey literature and how to search for it.
- Government ResourcesFind local, regional, national, and international government resources.
- Citing SourcesFind out how to properly cite sources.
Urban Studies Librarian
