Census Information: Census of Manufacturers
About the Census of Manufacturers
The Census of Manufactures was first taken in 1810 as part of the 3rd decennial census of the United States. It was part of the decennial census from 1810-1900, except for the year 1830 when no canvass was made. The first separate census of manufactures took place in 1905. It was then done every five years from 1905-1919 (1909 and 1919 were part of the 1910 and 1920 decennial censuses) and biennially thereafter from 1921 to 1939 (1929 and 1939 are part of the 1930 and 1940 decennial censuses). Interrupted by World War II, the census of manufactures began again in 1947 and lasted through 1992. Starting in 1997, it is classified in the Economic census (C 3.277). [1997 Guide to U.S. Government Publications, p. 106.]
More recently, the ASM is available online, 2008-2021. In 2022, the ASM was discontinued. According census.gov, the data formerly collected for the ASM will now be collected as part of the Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES) for survey year 2023, which will begin data collection in early 2024.
Local holdings (1810-1939 World War II)
1810 - I 4.5:Bk.2
1820 - I 5.5:Bk.2
1830 was never done
1840 - I 7.5: Bk.2 [OVERSIZE]
1850 - I 8.5:Bk.3
1860 - I 9.5: Bk.3
1870 - I 10.5: v.3
1880 - I 11.5: v.2
1890 - I 12.5: Bk. 11-13
1900 - I 13.5: v.7-10
1905 - C 3.5:M 31/1-4 [MISSING]
1909 - in 1910 Decennial Census: C 3.16:v.8-9 [v.8 MISSING]
1914 - C 3.24/1:914/1-2
1919 - in 1920 Decennial Census
C 3.28/5:v.8-10: 1919 Census of Manufactures. Vol. 1-3
C 3.24/2:Ab 8/919: Abstract of the census of manufactures, 1919
1921 - C 3.24/1:921
1923 - C 3.24/1:923
1925 - C 3.24/1:925
1927 - C 3.24/1:927
1929 in 1930 Decennial Census: C 3.37/5:M 31/v.1-3 [v.3 MISSING]
1931 - C 3.24/1:931
1933 - C 3.24/1:933
1935 - C 3.24/1:935
1937 - C 3.24/1:937/pt.1-2
1939 in 1940 Decennial Census: C 3.940-5:M 31/v.1-3 [MISSING]
Local holdings (1947 - 1992)
1947 Census of Manufactures - C 3.24:947/
- Vol.1: General summary.
- Vol.2: Statistics by industry.
- Vol.3: Statistics by states.
- Product supplement.
1954 Census of Manufactures - C 3.24:954/
- Vol.1: Summary statistics.
- Vol.2: Industry statistics. In 2 parts.
- Vol.3: Area statistics.
- Vol.4: Indexes of production.
- Location of manufacturing plants by industry, county, and employment size: 1954. - C 3.24/14:pt. (9 parts).
1958 Census of Manufactures - C 3.24:958
- Vol.1: Summary statistics.
- Vol.2: Industry statistics. In 2 parts.
- Vol.3: Area statistics.
- The Compilation of manufacturing statistics - C 3.2:M 31/6
1963 Census of Manufactures - C 3.24:963/
- Vol. 1: Summary and subject statistics.
- Vol. 2: Industry statistics. In 2 parts.
- Vol. 3: Area statistics.
- Vol. 4: Indexes of production.
- List of materials consumption items. - C 3.24/2:M 41/2:
- Numerical list of manufactured products - C 3.24/2:P 94/4/963:
- 1963 Census of manufactures. Puerto Rico - C 3.24/11:963:
1967 Census of Manufactures - C 3.24:967/
- Vol. 1: Summary and subject statistics.
- Vol. 2: Industry statistics. In 3 parts.
- Vol. 3: Area Statistics. In 2 parts.
- List of materials consumption items. - C 3.24/2:M 41/2/967:
- Alphabetical index of manufactured products - C 3.24/2:P 94/3/967:
- Numerical list of manufactured products - C 3.24/2:P 94/4/967:
1972 Census of Manufactures - C 3.24:972/
- Vol. 1: Subject and special statistics.
- Vol. 2: Industry statistics. In 3 parts.
- Vol. 3: Area statistics. In 2 parts.
- Vol. 4: Indexes of production. (Changed from official SuDoc)
- Alphabetic index of manufactured products (1967 SIC basis) - C 3.24/2:P 94/3/972: (Changed from official SuDoc)
- Numerical list of manufactured products. New (1972) SIC basis. - C 3.24/2:P 94/4/972: (Changed from official SuDoc)
1977 Census of manufactures - C 3.24:977/
- Vol. 1: Subject statistics.
- Vol. 2: Industry statistics. In 3 parts.
- Vol. 3: Geographic area statistics. In 2 parts.
- 1977 Census of manufactures: Selected metal mill shapes and forms: Selected metal mill shapes and forms: C 3.24/2:M 56:
- 1977 Census of manufactures: Numerical list of manufactured products: C 3.24/2: P 94/4/977:
- 1977 Census of manufactures: Geographic area series, Parts 1-51 [Part 15 MISSING]: C 3.24/2: P 94/4/977:
- 1977 Census of manufactures: Industry series (Parts 20A-B,E,I; 21A; 22B-D; 23A-C,E; 24A; 25A-B; 26A,C; 27B; 28A,C-G; 31A-B; 32A-E; 33A-D; 34A-F; 35A-B,D-G; 36A,D-F; 37B-C; 38B; 39A-D): C 3.24/4:MC 77-I-no. [MICROFICHE]
- 1977 Census of manufactures: Subject series (PSU has on microfiche: Parts 1-5,7-9,12-13;PSU has on paper: Part 14.): C 3.24/12:MC77-SR-no. (14 parts)
- Numerical list of manufactured and mineral products (1977 product class basis): C 3.24/2:P 94/4/982:
- Numerical list of manufactured and mineral products: C 3.24/2:P 94/5: (Reference series MC82-R-1.)
- Geographic area series: C 3.24/3:MC82-A-no.(Parts 1-51.)
- Industry series: C 3.24/4:MC82-I-no. (Parts 20A-I; 21A; 22A-F; 23A-E, 24A-D; 25A-B; 26A-C; 27A-C; 28A-H; 29A; 30A; 31A-B; 32A-E; 33A-D; 34A-F; 35A-G; 36A-F; 37A-C; 38A-B; 39A-D)
- Preliminary report. Geographic area series. Middle Atlantic States: C 3.24/8:MC82-A-2(P)
- Preliminary report. Geographic area series. South Atlantic States: C 3.24/8:MC82-A-5(P)
- Preliminary report. Summary series. United States: C 3.24/8-5:MC82-Sum-1(P)
- Subject Series: C 3.24/12:MC 82-S-no. (parts 1-8)
- Numerical list of manufactured and mineral products: C 3.24/2:P 94/5/987:
- Geographic area series: C 3.24/3:MC87-A-no. (Parts 1-51)
- Industry series: C 3.24/4:MC87-I-no. (Parts 20A-I; 21A; 22A-E; 23A-E; 24A-C; 25A; 26A-C; 27A-C; 28A-H; 29A; 30A-B; 31A-B; 32A-E; 33A-D; 34A-F; 35A-H; 36A-F; 37A-C; 38A-B; 39A-D.)
- Preliminary report. Summary series. United States: C 3.24/8-5:MC 87-SUM-1(P)
- Subject series: C 3.24/12:MC87-S-no. (Parts 1-2,4-7 [Part 3 not published])
1992 Census of manufactures - available online at: http://www.census.gov/prod/www/manufacturing.html
- Numerical list of manufactured and mineral products: C 3.24/2:P 94/5/992:
- Geographic Area Series: C 3.24/3-2:MC 92-A (Parts 1-51)
- Oregon: C 3.24/3-37:MC 92-A-38
- Washington: C 3.24/3-47:MC 92-A-48
- Industry series: C 3.24/4:MC 92-I-no.(Parts 20A-I; 21A; 22A-E; 23A-E; 24A-D; 25A-B; 26A-C; 27A-C; 28A-H; 29A; 30A-B; 31A-B; 32A-E; 33A-D; 34A-F; 35A-H; 36A-F; 37A-C; 38A-B; 39A-D)
- Subject series: C 3.24/12:MC 92-S-no. (Parts 1,3 [Part 2 MISSING])