Census Information: Economic Census
Pre-1997 Components of the Economic Census
Links to additional information:
- Manufacturing - C 3.24
- Mineral Industries - C 3.216
- Business - C 3.202/5
- Retail Trade - C 3.255
- Wholesale Trade - C 3.256
- Service Industries - C 3.257
- Transportation - C 3.233
- Transportation, Communications, and Utilities - C 3.292
- Construction Industries - C 3.245
- Outlying Areas - C 3.253/2
- Commercial Fisheries - C 3.234
- Financial, Insurance, and Real Estate Industries - C 3.291
- Minority-Owned Businesses - C 3.258
- Women-Owned Businesses - C 3.250
Economic Census on CD-ROM
1987 Economic Census CD-ROM
Volume 1: Report series. Release 1E. C 3.277:EC 7/987/CD/v.1/Rel. 1E [CD-ROM]
CD-ROM Technical documentation. C 3.277:EC 7/987/DOC/v.1E/pt.1-2 : In 2 parts. [In back room]
Volume 2: Zip code statistics. Release 2B. C 3.277:EC 7/987/CD/v.2/Rel. 2B [CD-ROM]
CD-ROM Technical documentation. C 3.277:EC 7/987/DOC/v.2B [In back room]
1992 Economic Census CD-ROM
Report series. Disc 1J. C 3.277:CD-EC92-1J [CD-ROM]
Zip code statistics. Disc 2A. C 3.277:CD-EC92-2A [CD-ROM] [MISSING]
Zip Code statistics. Disc 2B. C 3.277:CD-EC92-2B [CD-ROM]
Report series. Nonemployer statistics. C 3.277:CD-EC92-4 : [CD-ROM]
1997 Economic Census CD-ROM
ECON97 report series. Disc 1F. C 3.277:C1-E97-NA1F-17-US1 [CD-ROM]
ECON97S report series. Disc 2D. C 3.277:C1-E97-NA2D-17-US1 [CD-ROM]
ECON97Z report series. C 3.277:C1-E97-NA3Z-17-US1 [CD-ROM]
ECON97 report series. Disc 1A. C 3.277:CD-EC97-1/DISC.1A .[CD-ROM]
ECON97 report series. Disc 1B.C 3.277:CD-EC97-1/DISC.1B [CD-ROM]
ECON97 report series. Disc 1C. C 3.277:CD-EC97-1/DISC.1C [CD-ROM]
ECON97 report series. Disc 1D-1 and 1D-2. C 3.277:CD-EC97-1/DISC.1D-1 & D-2 [CD-ROM]
ECON97 report series. Disc 1E. C 3.277:CD-EC97-1/DISC.1E [CD-ROM]
ECON97 report series. Disc 2A. C 3.277:CD-EC97-2/DISC.2A [CD-ROM]
ECON97 report series. Disc 2B. C 3.277:CD-EC97-1/DISC.2B [CD-ROM]
ECON97 report series. Disc 2C. C 3.277:CD-EC97-1/DISC.2C [CD-ROM]
About the Economic Census
The economic census has been taken as an integrated program at 5-year intervals since 1967 and before that for 1954, 1958, and 1963. Prior to that time, individual components of the economic census were taken separately at varying intervals. The economic census traces its beginnings to the 1810 Decennial Census, when questions on manufacturing were included with those for population. Coverage of economic activities was expanded for the 1840 Decennial Census and subsequent censuses to include mining and some commercial activities. The 1905 Manufactures Census was the first time a census was taken apart from the regular decennial population census. Censuses covering retail and wholesale trade and construction industries were added in 1930, as were some covering service trades in 1933. Censuses of construction, manufacturing, and the other business service censuses were suspended during World War II. The 1954 Economic Census was the first census to be fully integrated.
The range of industries covered in the economic censuses expanded between 1963 and 1992. In 1963, Commercial Fisheries and Transportation were added. The survey of minority-owned business was added to the 1972 Economic Censuses. It was first done as a special project for 1969. The survey of women-owned businesses was added to the 1977 Economic Censuses. It was first done as a special project to cover 1972. The census of construction industries began on a regular basis in 1967, and the scope of service industries, introduced in 1933, was broadened in 1967, 1977, and 1987. In 1992, the Census of Transportation was broadened to include all of transportation, communications, and utilities. Also in 1992, the Census of Financial, Insurance, and Real Estate Industries began. [Introduction. 1997 Economic Census. Company Statistics Series.]
Until 1997, each component of the economic census was published separately (except when included in the decennial censuses) and given its own classification. Starting with 1997, these components are classed together as the Economic Census. The classification is: C 3.277.
Miscellaneous parts of the Economic Census
Reference series - C 3.253:
1972 economic censuses. Geographic reference manual. C 3.253:972 [PSU DOES NOT OWN]
1977 economic censuses. Geographic reference manual. C 3.253:EC77-R-1
1982 economic censuses. Geographic reference manual. C 3.253:EC82-R-1
1987 economic censuses. Geographic reference manual. C 3.253:EC87-R-1
Guide to the 1987 Economic Censuses and related statistics. C 3.253:EC87-R-2
1992 economic census. Geographic reference manual. C 3.253:EC92-R-1
1963 Economic Censuses. Procedural History. C 3.2:Ec 7/3
1967 Economic Censuses. Procedural History. C 56.202:Ec 7/2/967
1972 Economic Censuses. Procedural History. C 56.202:Ec 7/2/972
History of the 1977 Economic Censuses. C 3.2:Ec 7/4
History of the 1982 Economic Censuses. C 3.253/3:982
History of the 1987 Economic Censuses. C 3.253/3:987
History of the 1992 Economic Census. C 3.253/3:992
History of the 1997 Economic Census. C 3.253/3:997
Annual Capital Expenditures
1992 - C 3.289:992
1993 - C 3.289:993
1994 - C 3.289:994
1995 - C 3.289: 995
Characteristics of Business Owners
1987 Economic Censuses. Characteristics of Business Owners - C 3.2:C 37/992
Facts about the Economic Censuses. Pamphlet. March 1968 - C 3.2:Ec 7/2
Graphic Summary of the 1977 Economic Censuses - C 3.2:Ec 7/6
An overview of the 1982 Economic Censuses - C 3.2:Ec 7/5/987
A preview of the 1982 Economic Censuses - C 3.2:Ec 7/7:
Mini-guide to the 1977 Economic Censuses - C 3.6/2:Ec 7/979 Revised.
Guide to the 1982 Economic Censuses and related statistics - C 3.6/2:Ec 7/2
1972 Economic Censuses. Publication Program. C 56.202:Ec 7/4/972
Introduction to the Economic Censuses. C 3.253/2:EC87-R-4
A preview of the 1992 Economic Census. C 3.253/2:EC 92-PR-1
1997 Economic Census (Available online)
PSU has these on paper:
Company statistics series. Company Summary - C 3.277/3:97-1
Company statistics series. Women-Owned Businesses - C 3.277/3:97-2
Company statistics series. Survey of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises. Black - C 3.277/3:97-3
Company statistics series. Survey of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises. Hispanic - C 3.277/3:97-4
Company statistics series. Survey of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises. Summary - C 3.277/3:97-7
Subject series. Manufacturing. General Summary - C 3.24/12:EC 97 M 31 S-GS