Census Information: Census of Transportation
About the Census of Transportation
The Census of Transportation was undertaken for the first time on a national basis in 1963. Prior to 1963, some information on transportation was compiled and published in connection with the decennial censuses of 1880 and 1890. Also, during the early part of this century, the Bureau of the Census published reports at intervals covering certain aspects of transportation. Censuses were conducted for the years 1963, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, and 1992. It was broadened in 1992, and a Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities began (C 3.292). Starting with 1997, it is classified as part of the Economic Census (C3.277). [Bureau of the Census Catalog of Publications, p.482]
Local holdings (1963-1992)
1963 Census of Transportation - C 3.233/3:963
Volume 1: Passenger Transportation Survey.
Volume 2: Truck Inventory and Use Survey.
Volume 3: Commodity Transportation Survey. In 4 parts.
Volume 4: Motor Carrier Survey
1967 Census of Transportation - C 3.233/3
Volume 1: National Travel Survey. C 3.233/3:967
Volume 2: Truck Inventory and Use Survey. C 3.233/3:967
Volume 3: Commodity Transportation Survey. In 3 parts. C 3.233/3:967
Preprint. National Travel Survey. C 3.233/3:TC67-N1
1972 Census of Transportation - C 3.233/
Volume 1: National Travel Survey. C 3.233/3:972
Volume 2: Truck Inventory and Use Survey. C 3.233/3:972
Volume 3: Commodity Transportation Survey. In 3 parts. C 3.233/3:972
(Changed from official SuDoc classification)
National Travel Survey. Travel during 1972. C 3.233/5:TC72-N3
(Changed from official SuDoc classification)
1977 Census of Transportation - C 3.233/5:TC77
Nonregulated motor carriers and public warehousing. C 3.233/5:TC77-B [PAPER AND MICROFICHE]
Commodity transportation survey. Geographic area series. C 3.233/5:TC77-CA-no. In 7 Parts. [MICROFICHE]
Commodity transportation survey. Commodity series. C 3.233/5:TC77-CC-no. In 14 parts. [MICROFICHE]
Commodity transportation survey. Summary. C 3.233/5:TC77-CS [PAPER AND MICROFICHE]
National travel survey. Travel during 1977. C 3.233/5:TC77-N-2 [PAPER AND MICROFICHE]
Truck inventory and use. C 3.233/5:TC77-T-no. In 52 parts. [MICROFICHE] PSU is missing: no. 4 (Arkansas), 8 (Delaware), 14 (Illinois),18 (Kentucky), 23 (Michigan), 29 (Nevada), 32 (New Mexico), 33 (New York), 34 (North Carolina), 35 (North Dakota).
1982 Census of Transportation - C 3.233/5:TC82-T-no.
Truck inventory and use survey. In 52 parts.
1987 Census of Transportation - C 3.233/5:TC87
Geographic area series. Selected transportation industries. Summary. C 3.233/5:TC87-A-1
Subject Series. Selected Transportation Industries. Miscellaneous Subjects. C 3.233/5:TC87-S-1
Truck inventory and use survey. C 3.233/5:TC87-T-no. In 52 Parts. No. 13, 20, 40, 41, 45, 48, and 49 issued in revised eds. PSU is missing no. 38 (Oregon)
1992 Census of Transportation - C 3.233/ (Also available online)
Truck inventory and use survey. C 3.233/5:TC92-T-no. In 52 parts.
Truck inventory and use survey. Microdata file. C 3.233/6:992 [CD-ROM]
1992 Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities - C 3.292:UC92- (Also available online)
This began in 1992 as a broadened version of the Census of Transportation (C 3.233). It is now classified in the Economic Census (C 3.277).
Geographic area series. Summary. C 3.292:UC92-A-1
Nonemployer statistics series. Summary. C 3.292:UC92-N-1
Subject series. C 3.292:UC92-S-no. In 2 parts.