Book Publishing: Journals and Trade Magazines

Keeping Up

Publishers Weekly
online coverage from 1997 - present
print backfiles 1888-2008

"Shelf Awareness Pro, which we've been publishing since June 2005, provides booksellers and librarians the information they need to sell and lend books. It appears every business day and is read by people throughout the book industry."

The Bookseller
UK-based book industry magazine.

Publishing Perspectives
"Publishing Perspectives is an online business magazine that covers the trends, people, and companies shaping the global book industry."


Sometimes the most efficient way to find articles on your topic is to use a database that covers the discipline in which that topic is discussed. Publishing is an interdisciplinary field with scholars writing about it from many perspectives e.g. business and marketing, literary studies, media studies, book arts, library collections. Subject or disciplinary databases take on the job of covering the journal literature in a broad field and providing descriptions of articles that you can then find. Click the Find it @ PSU find it green icon to link from the database to the article via PSU Library's catalog.

Interlibrary Loan

The PSU Library doesn't hold subscriptions to every scholarly journal, and the PSU Library coupled with the Orbis Cascade Alliance don't hold every book. In cases where you have found something important but you aren't able to get it through our holdings, you can use the Interlibrary Loan service to request it.  You can go to the request form and type in the information manually.  Also when you link from a database to the PSU Library catalog and we don't have access to the article, you will be offered the option of requesting it.

Scholarly Journals

Available through PSU Library and/or online

PSU Library has subscriptions to the following journals, or they available open access online. 

Book History


European Science Editing

International Journal of Research in Marketing\

Journal of Electronic Publishing

Journal of Marketing 

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Scholarly Publishing
from 1997 to six months ago (most recent 6 months of content is embargoed)
from 2003 to present

Learned Publishing

Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture

Publishing Research Quarterly

Other journals of interest

PSU Library does not subscribe to these journals, but you can browse the table of contents for individual issues or search the contents on the publishers' website. Use the Library's Interlibrary loan service to request desired articles.

Book 2.0

LOGOS: Journal of the World Publishing Community

If you have an article citation...

Sometimes you will be trying to get a journal article and all you'll have is the citation - no link to it. You can use an article citation to get the full text. 

Ex.: Baron, R. M., & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator–mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173-1182

Option 1: 

Search the PSU Library using the article title as your search:

known article search in the library catalog


Option 2:

Enter the article title in Google Scholar, then click on Find it @ PSU:

Google Scholar article search



Both methods provide links to the full text article, using the link under online access:

Article online access link



Not available?

Try searching for the journal and then searching or browsing for the article. If the Library does not have access to the volume of the journal needed, submit an article request via Interlibrary Loan.

library catalog search by type for journals


Library catalog journal search