Nonprofit Sector: Local & Careers
Oregon Nonprofit News
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Local Resources
- Multnomah County LibraryThe main branch of the Multnomah County Library has many books and resources useful to INPM students. Collections primarily focus on nonprofit management, fundraising, and proposal writing. The central library has maintained a regional collection for the Foundation Center since 1973. This collection and most other nonprofit management books and non-circulating reference materials are housed in the in Science and Business room on the second floor. The main library is located on SW 10th Avenue bet
- Nonprofit Resource CenterThe Multnomah County Library houses a regional collection for The Foundation Center, a nonprofit organization specializing in the gathering, analysis, and the dissemination of information on philanthropic foundations. The Grants Library includes publications of the Foundation Center, many fundraising related materials, national foundation annual reports, and a small collection of periodicals. The Grants Library is primarily a reference collection. Reference Materials are shelved along the walls
- Nonprofit Association of OregonThe Nonprofit Association of Oregon, formerly known as TACS, is a statewide network of nonprofits, foundations, business partners, and individuals dedicated to supporting Oregon’s nonprofit sector. We serve as a resource for nonprofit organizations and a central source of information about the nonprofit sector. We connect nonprofits of all sizes, missions, and geographic locations. We offer programs and services that enhance the capacity of nonprofits to fulfill their essential missions. While
- The Black United Fund Resource LibraryThe Nonprofit Resources Library resides at the Black United Fund of Oregon in northeast Portland, 2828 NE Alberta Street. The library is designed to provide access to resource materials and training on nonprofit management to staff, volunteers and community members in the nonprofit sector. PSU students are welcome to use the library. The Resource Library was made possible by a generous grant from the Meyer Memorial Trust and donations of time and materials by other community members.
- Community Nonprofit Resource GroupThe Community Nonprofit Resource Group (CNRG) connects people to and within the nonprofit community. With more than 10,000 subscribers to the online community, CNRG has become the place to exchange ideas, learn about opportunities, and plug into the nonprofit community.
- NW Oregon Volunteer Administrators AssociationOrganization dedicated to providing professional development and networking opportunities to volunteer management professionals in Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington counties.
- Willamette Valley Development OrganizationProfessional, membership-driven organization providing support and resources to those who engage in professional fundraising and development work.