Literature in English: MLA Bibliography: journal articles & essays
Link to the MLA database in PSU Library
- MLA International BibliographyIndexes citations to journal articles, dissertations, and books about world literature, literary criticism, language, linguistics, and folklore from 1921 to the present.
How to...Find Specific Articles....
This guide assumes that you want to learn about how to find articles that you don't know about yet. However, if you have an article citation or the title of an article, see the instructions here:, Find Specific Articles in Full Text.
Other databases for finding articles
- Literature Online - LIONIncludes reference works, biographical sketches, bibliographies, and secondary criticism of British and American literary works. Offers full text of some novels, poems, dramas, and prose.
- JSTORContains full text articles from major research journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Coverage of most journals starts from the beginning of a journal's publication and typically excludes the most recent three to five years.
- Literature CompassPublishes an online-only, peer-reviewed journal that features survey articles of the most important research and current thinking across the literature discipline.
- ProjectMuseIndexes citations for books and articles as wells as full text articles and ebooks from scholarly presses.
MLA Bibliography and Databases
This series of short videos covers how to search for articles and essays using the MLA database. These videos walk you through searching and then using the navigation tools to link to the full text content in PSU Library's holdings of books and journals.
Videos of MLA Searches
Watch a video of a simple search in MLA Bibliography.
Watch a video showing you how to use MLA's Primary Subject Work filter.
Watch a video that combines searching for articles and chapters on a particular work with a keyword.
Boolean searching and MLA Bibliography
You can narrow your search results by a topic related to your work or author. Add a keyword in another search box to narrow your results. In this case you would retrieve only those records about The Great Gatsby where the word 'class' also occurs in the article title, subject headings, etc.
You can also use two other search techniques:
truncation - use a symbol (the asterisk *) that tells the search engine to find that word root and any ending. In this example the search engine will retrieve capital, capitalist, capitalism, etc.
OR - you can use a synonym for your concept and the search engine will retrieve records with either term. In this case 'class' or 'wealth' or some form of the root captialism.