Industry & Market Research: Advertising/Brands

Ad Rates

Many media companies list their rates on their websites. Just google [company, e.g., Wall Street Journal] ad rate and you should get to their "media kit" quickly. 

Ad Expenditures

It's difficult to find free information on ad spending of a company, esp. by brand and medium (e.g., TV vs. Internet). The PSU Library cannot afford the comprehensive database that provides those detailed data; however, we did purchase the 2015 dataset (the AD$ Summary file listed below) for your reference.

A public company's 10-K report may mention expenditures on advertising. Figures are annual and cover the entire company, not particular brands.

Anecdotal information might have been mentioned in news articles (Google or use library article databases). Search strategy:

  • company name AND (adspend OR "advertising spend" OR "advertising expenditure" OR "advertising budget") 
  • Go to AdvertisingAge or ADWEEK's websites and do a site search for possible articles. 

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Brands and Marketing Campaigns

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