U.S. Elections: US - Congressional
Congressional Elections (Historical and Contemporary)
- MIT Election Data LabContains House and Senate results by state or district, 1976-2018.
- ICPSR: Electoral Data for Counties in the United States: Presidential and Congressional Races, 1840-1972This collection contains county-level returns for elections to the United States presidency and to the United States House of Representatives for the years 1840 to 1972. The variables for the presidential vote include the percentages of ballots cast for major and "significant" minor party candidates (with residual votes collapsed into an "other" category), total numbers of votes for all candidates in an election, and estimates of voter turnout in the presidential elections. There are similar variables for the congressional vote except that returns are reported for parties and not for candidates. Congressional district numbers are also reported for each county for every election.
- U.S. House Primary Election Results (1956-2010)Election return data from all Democratic and Republican primaries for the US House of Representatives for 1956-2010. Includes district-specific variables, as well as data about candidate backgrounds and gender in recent years. For an appendable version of the 2012-2018 data, see Miller/Camberg 2020: https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CXVMSY
- ICPSR United States Historical Election Returns SeriesThe United States Historical Election Returns series was developed by ICPSR and was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Covers: "Candidate Name and Constituency Totals, 1788-1990" ; "General Election Data for the United States, 1950-1990 " ; "United States Historical Election Returns, 1788-1823 " ; "United States Historical Election Returns, 1824-1968"
- Brookings, Vital Statistics on CongressContains historic data on: Demographics of members of Congress ; Congressional elections ; Campaign finance in Congressional elections ; Congressional committee data ; Congressional staff and operating expenses ; Legislative productivity in Congress and Congressional workload ; Congressional action on the federal budget; Political polarization in Congress and changing voting alignments. General inclusive dates: 1900 to present.
History of Congressional Elections
- Election Statistics, 1920 to PresentSince 1920, the Clerk of the House has collected and published the official vote counts for federal elections from the official sources among the various states and territories.
- Congress ProfilesProfiles of every Congress, 1789-Present. Includes: Party Divisions, number of representatives, short histories of each congress, and further readings
- Black Americans in CongressSince 1870, when Senator Hiram Revels of Mississippi and Representative Joseph Rainey of South Carolina became the first African Americans to serve in Congress, a total of 172 African Americans have served as U.S. Representatives, Delegates, or Senators. This Web site, based on the publication Black Americans in Congress, contains biographical profiles of former African-American Members of Congress, links to information about current Black Members, essays on institutional and national events that shaped successive generations of African Americans in Congress, and images of each individual Member, supplemented by other historical photos.
- A New Nation Votes: American Election Returns 1787-1825Contains election data for all offices at the town and county level, 1787-1825
Reference Works
- CQ Politics in America Series (Online)Covers 2012 (112th Congress), 2016 (114th), and 2018 (115th). About: "The ultimate insider's guide to politics with authoritative information on each member of Congress and the district he or she represents."
For earlier data, see print volumes:
*Politics in America ( 3rd floor JK1010 .P64) covering 1945-1986.
*Congressional Quarterly's politics in America. ( 3rd floor JK1012 .C63) covering 1994-1998.'
*CQ's politics in America (3rd floor JK1012 .C63 ), covering 2000.
Guide to U. S. Elections by
Call Number: EbookISBN: 9781604266528Publication Date: 2009-01-01See chapters:
Chapter 20: Introduction to Congressional Elections
Chapter 21: House Elections
Chapter 22: Reapportionment and Redistricting
Chapter 23: House General Election Returns, 1824–2008
Chapter 24: Senate Elections
Chapter 25: U.S. Senators, 1789–2009
Chapter 26: Senate General Election Returns, 1913–2008
Chapter 27: Senate Primary Election Returns, 1920–2008Guide to Congress by
Call Number: eBookISBN: 9781452235325Publication Date: 2012Covers: Origins and development of Congress; Powers of Congress; Congressional Procedures; Pressures on Congress; Housing and Support; Pay and Perquisites; Congress and the Electorate; Qualifications and Conduct.
The 2000 print edition can also be found in the library, call number 2nd floor JK1021 .C565 2000
America Votes: Election Returns by State
America Votes: election returns by state (Print)
Call Number: 2nd floor JK1967 .A8ISBN: 9781544354446Includes official, state-certified election returns and key data by county and by district for the House, Senate, and gubernatorial elections for the election cycle covered. Print covers v.1(1953)-v.26(2004)America votes: election returns by state (e-books)
Call Number: OnlineISBN: 9781544354446E-book volumes currently cover: 2007-2020