Health Administration: PubMed Help

Tutorials from the National Library of Medicine

MeSH Browser

Using the Advanced Search Builder Video

Searching with MeSH Terms Video


Medical Subject Headings

Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) are a defined set of concepts used in PubMed that provide uniformity and consistency to the literature you find. They are a distinctive feature used in the PubMed search engine. In order to find literature about Health Administration or other socially related concepts in PubMed, it helps to know what MeSH terms can help your searches. 

MeSH Terms

MeSH Terms represent concepts found in the literature. Some helpful MeSH Terms are:

MeSH Subheadings

MeSH Subheadings are qualifiers that can be attached to MeSH Terms. They are used to describe an aspect of a MeSH Term. Some helpful subheadings are: