Technical Communication: Organizations and Professional Societies
Why Organizations?
Professional associations can be excellent resources for staying current in your discipline. Their web sites link to their publications, conferences, job sites, continuing education offerings, and other kinds of relevant information for professionals. Many organizations offer reduced-rate student memberships which often include a subscription to the organization's primary magazines or journal.
IEEE Professional Communication Society
SIGDOC - Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Design of Communication
Society for Technical Communication
TC Body of Knowledge
A project of the Society for Technical Communication, The Technical Communication Body of Knowledge is a wiki that:
" a central location for information contributed by a diverse range of practitioners, academic researchers, and teachers; it is also a central location for STC content, including but not limited to STC community content (e.g., through Special Interest Groups) and STC periodicals (Intercom, Technical Communication, and Summit Proceedings). A combination of articles and links, the TCBOK is an online tool for the technical communicator."
You will find useful definitions, explication of theory, career path information, and various other elements of the field.