Urban Honors Program: Your Thesis
Writing a thesis statement
Examples of Undergraduate Theses
Here are some online repositories of undergraduate honors theses, from PSU and other universities. Note that the requirements for an honors thesis at other schools may differ from those at PSU. These topics may be helpful in coming up with your own topic - check with your PSU Honors professor or your honors advisor to be sure.
PDXScholar - For copies of Portland State Honors theses
Pennsylvania State Honors Theses - Search or Browse the theses.
University of California, Berkeley
The 1-minute Approach
If you can talk about your research topic for an entire minute without stopping, then you are ready to formulate a research question.This means that you have the background information it takes to come up with a good research question.
Background reading on your topic helps you to formulate a research question. Use the subject encyclopedia databases for useful entries about your topic.
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