Chicano/Latino Studies: Books & eBooks

An overview of researching Chicano/Latino Studies at PSU Library and beyond.

Keywords and Subject Terms for Chicano/Latino Studies Topics

Books, videos and articles about the Chicano/Latino experience are available through the library catalog.  Like Google, searching can be done using keywords--words describing the content or ideas of the materials of interest.  Libraries add additional descriptions to these materials in the form of subject headings. When searching for books or articles, you might want to try some or all of these words and phrases:

Hispanic Americans -- [subheadings]

     Hispanic Americans -- History
     Hispanic Americans --  Mass media
     Hispanic Americans -- Civil rights
     Hispanic Americans -- Politics and government

[Subject] -- Hispanic American [subject]

Example:   American literature -- Hispanic American authors -- History and criticism

Mexican Americans -- [subheadings]

     Mexican Americans -- Intellectual life
     Mexican Americans -- California -- History
     Chicano movement
     Mexican American Border Region

[Ethnic identity or country of origin] -- United States

     Puerto Ricans -- United States
     Hondurans -- United States

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