Engineering and Technology Management: Books, Reports & Dissertations

Resources for engineering management

Technical Reports

Government Information

Dissertations and Theses

Find Books Using Subject Headings

Subject headings allow you to search library catalogs for materials on a particular topic. Often subject heading searching can be more productive than searching by simple keywords. Listed here are some major subject headings of interest for research in Engineering Management. Copies of the complete set of the Library of Congress Subject Headings are available at the reference desk in the library.

Engineering economy
Engineering management
New products
Operations research
Organizational sociology
Product management
Production management
Research industrial management
Simulation methods
Systems engineering
Technological forecasting
Technology management
Technology marketing

Call Numbers

Browsing the library shelves by call number ranges is another strategy for locating information on a topic; call numbers can help you get to the "right neighborhood" in the library stacks.

T57.95, HD30.23, QA279.4-QA279.7 Decision-making
TA177.4-TA178 Engineering economy
TA190 Engineering management
HF5415 .I53 New products
T57.6-T57.97 Operations research
HF5415 .I5 Product management
TS155 Production management
T175.5 R&D management
T175-T178 Research industrial management
TA168 Systems engineering
T173.2-T174.5 Technological change
T174 Technological forecasting

eBook Collections

Browse eBooks in the following collections or in the PSU Library catalog.

Requesting Books from Other Libraries

If the item you’re looking for isn’t available at the PSU Library, you might see a Request from Other Libraries option that will allow you to request a physical copy or, if it's a book, a PDF of an individual chapter.  

  • First, sign in to the catalog to enable the request function;
  • If the item is not available from our library, you can click the Request button for the physical copy or chapter PDF under Request from Other Libraries;
  • The system will automatically prioritize fastest delivery;
  • When your request has been filled, you will be notified by PSU email.