BA 336U Essentials of Information Technology (Business Minor): Team Project Resources

Research Suggestions

If you are looking for articles on a specific topic, use the resources listed in the box Business Articles (the databases listed cover a mix of academic journals, trade publications, and newspapers) as well as Google Scholar (academic articles). 

If you have the citation of an article or at least the title and wonder if PSU provides access to the full text, review the tutorial listed in the How to Find... Specific Articles... box. 

Business Articles

Search databases across multiple publications:

** Search for articles on a topic (e.g., economy, supply chain, marketing strategy, etc.) across multiple publications.

Direct access to key publications:

** This is only a short list of popular business publications. The Library provides access to a large number of other business publications. To find if we have a certain title, search in the library catalog or use the Journal search shortcut.

Search Google Scholar


How to Find Specific Articles Guide

If you have an article citation or the title of an article, check the library guide, Find Specific Articles in Full Text.

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Subject Librarian

Kerry Wu

Office hours by appointment