USP 301 - Introduction to Community Development: Case Studies

Find Example Case Studies

You may find it helpful for your assignment to find example case studies. In addition to searching the resources listed on this page in the Databases box, you will find good results utilizing the PSU Library Search in advanced search mode.

Use keyword searching in the library catalog to find case studies. Before you begin, login to the library catalog with your ODIN username and password. Then be sure to limit your search to PSU & Summit Libraries, and use the phrase "Case study" in combination with other keywords. Here is a screenshot showing an example.

PSU Library Search: PSU & Summit Libraries search scope; "community development" AND "case study"

On the results page you will be able to use the facets listed on the left hand side to further limit your results. Date ranges are particularly useful in limiting your results set.

Limiting Facets

What is a case study?

A case study is:

An approach that uses in-depth investigation of one or more examples of a current social phenomenon, utilizing a variety of sources of data. A ‘case’ can be an individual person, an event, or a social activity, group, organization or institution.

Jupp, V. (2006). The SAGE dictionary of social research methods London, : SAGE Publications, Ltd doi: 10.4135/9780857020116
