MGMT 445 Organization Design & Change: Market Shares/Rankings
Market Shares
If you don't find market share information in secondary sources such as databases and websites, you may calculate an estimated market share. Divide your company's sales (if your company has only one type of product) or your product's sales (if your company has multiple products) by industry revenue (available in the Economic Census) or industry profiles.
- IBISWorldCompany shares are available in the industry report under the tab Major Companies.
- MintelMarket shares for companies, brands, or other criteria (e.g., flavors for beverages) are available under Brand/Company and/or Data -> Appendix -- Key Players.
- Passport (by Euromonitor)Company or brand shares available as standalone data tables or embedded in relevant industry reports.
- Business Source PremierIndustry reports have market shares for main players. Articles may have market shares for companies or brands.
- StatistaProvides statistics from over 18,000 free and proprietary sources on a wide range of topics such as business, media, and demographics.
- Business Insights: GlobalIncludes the resource Market Share Reporter.
- Nexis UniSearch for articles that may have mentioned market shares.
- SMA: Sports Market Analytics (formerly SBRNet: Sport Business Research Network)Under Consumer Expenditure in the report (e.g., Archery), there might be company or brand shares.
Search the Web for Market Shares
A Google search can return many links that seem to promise easily available market share information. Googling industry associations and browsing/searching on those sites can be helpful too. Here are two tips for effective googling:
When you do a Google search, make sure you retrieve only the most recent data (unless you are looking for historical information) by narrowing down the results to "past year" or a custom range. You can also add the year to the search, e.g., market share digital camera 2014.
Information might come from many different sources, such as newspapers, trade publications, industry associations, and even blogs, which are a great source of current information, esp. in the technology field. However, before you use the info, find out where the data come from. Responsible bloggers cite their sources. If there is no source, try another Google search to see if the information has been mentioned elsewhere. Be wary of numbers without a credible source.
- NielsenWireReports and data on market shares, consumer lifestyles and media trends. Also check out the Nielsen main website for more.
- AsymcoBlog featuring industry analysis on mobile devices, in particular smart phones. With lots of data such as market share.
- Auto Sales - Market Data Center (WSJ)Automobile sales, top vehicles, market shares by manufacturer and model.
Company Rankings
- StatistaClick Reports on the top navigation bar, then click Toplists, which lists top companies in various industries.
- Forbes ListsCompany rankings.
- Fortune RankingsRankings by Fortune Magazine. Includes Fortune 500, Most Admired Companies, and more.
- Portland Business JournalProvides access to Portland Business Journal (and other city business journals) and Book of Lists. You must create an individual account to access.
PSU faculty/staff/students please create an account using your PDX email
- Business Insights: GlobalIncludes Business Rankings Annual.
- FT Global 500Financial Times Global 500 largest companies.
- Inc. 5000: America's Fastest Growing Private CompaniesCriteria to be in Inc 5000