Portland & Oregon: News Media
Oregon Newspapers
Due to cost, PSU Library will no longer be able to provide complete online access to the Oregonian articles published from 1987 - present.
The oregonlive.com web site provides free access to many Oregonian articles from the last few years, and supports fee-based article delivery of all Oregonian articles ($1.95 per article). The Multnomah County Public Library also provides full text access to the Oregonian. You can get a Multnomah County Library card.
- Oregonian -- Historical Backfile 1861-2018Contains archival, full text articles of the Oregonian from 1861 to 2018, presented in image format as they appeared in the newspaper.
- Oregonian Newspaper Index Search (1852-1987)Oregonian citations to articles published between 1851-1987. If you're looking for something pre-1861, you can find the full-text in our microfilm collection on the 2nd floor (call number: AN .O74).
- Oregon Newspaper IndexIndexes the Oregonian (Portland, 1852-1937) as well as the University of Oregon student newspaper, The Daily Emerald, and The Register-Guard (Eugene).
- America's Historical NewspapersConsists of searchable digital facsimiles of local newspapers from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Read eyewitness reporting, editorials, letters, advertisements, obituaries, and reviews.
Portland Newspapers
Selected newspapers in the Portland area:
- Asian ReporterPacific Northwest-based newspaper features international and local northwest news and events with an Asian focus.
- Daily Journal of CommerceCovers construction news, real estate, urban planning, energy, and transportation news for the greater Portland, Oregon metropolitan area. PSU faculty/staff/students please log in with your PSU (ODIN) ID to view username/password. Visitors please contact the Reference Desk.
- Historic Black Newspapers of PortlandNewspapers published by Black-owned presses in Portland and the Pacific Northwest from the 1910s to the 1980s
- Portland Business JournalProvides access to Portland Business Journal (and other city business journals) and Book of Lists. You must create an individual account to access.
PSU faculty/staff/students please create an account using your PDX email
- Portland MercuryLocal news, politics, and gossip.
- Portland ObserverLocal paper committed to cultural diversity.
- Portland TribuneLocal paper with news, politics, and opinion.
- The SkannerAdvancing the Black Press in the Pacific Northwest.
- Street RootsStreet Roots — published weekly in Portland, Oregon — has been Portland's flagship publication addressing homelessness and poverty since 1998.
- Willamette WeekLocal news and politics.