WLL 560: Principles of Scholarly Research: Find Articles
Journal Title Search
Search for an Article Title at Google Scholar
If you have an article title, search for it at Google Scholar from the PSU Library.
- Enter the title of the article in the Google Scholar search box.
- If PSU Library has the article online, there will be a link, Find it @ PSU.
- Find it @ PSU leads to the full text article record with one or more databases to access it. Be sure to sign in to access the article.
Requesting Books & Articles
While the Portland State Library has a large collection of books, articles, and journals, we may not have a specific item you are looking for. In that case, you may be able to get it for you from another library.
- If you find an item in the catalog and our copy is not available you can Request from other libraries
Suggested Databases and Online Resources
Online resources for discovering articles and books in literature and the humanities:
- MLA International BibliographyIndexes citations to journal articles, dissertations, and books about world literature, literary criticism, language, linguistics, and folklore from 1921 to the present.
- JSTORContains full text articles from major research journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Coverage of most journals starts from the beginning of a journal's publication and typically excludes the most recent three to five years.
- Literature Online - LIONIncludes reference works, biographical sketches, bibliographies, and secondary criticism of British and American literary works. Offers full text of some novels, poems, dramas, and prose.
- Literature CompassPublishes an online-only, peer-reviewed journal that features survey articles of the most important research and current thinking across the literature discipline.
- Literature Resource CenterProvides reference, literary timelines, and articles on authors, journalists, and critics from all literary periods. Covers literary genres such as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, history, and journalism.
- Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)Indexes journal citations and other publications covering all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
- Project MUSEA leading provider of digital humanities content, Project MUSE provides books and journals from leading university presses.
- Romantic Era RedefinedFeatures the full text of Romantic-era literature focusing on poetry, prose, drama, letters, and diaries along with political, philosophical, scientific, and sociological works between 1800 and 1830.
- International Medieval BibliographyIndexes citations to journal articles and book chapters about the Middle Ages covering Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa from 300 to 1500.
- Historical AbstractsFind citations to academic articles on world history (except the U.S. and Canada), from the 15th century to the present.
- ITER: Gateway to the Middle Ages and RenaissanceThe online bibliography covers literature pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700).
- L'Annee PhilologiqueThe online database of the bibliography published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique, L'Annee Philologique indexes scholarly works relating to all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.
Related Databases
- ERIC (EBSCO interface)Includes citations and full-text access to education research found in journals, books, and grey literature.
- Gender Studies DatabaseCombines Women's Studies International and Men's Studies databases. Provides citations to journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, government reports, and working papers as well as theses and dissertations.
- LGBT Life with Full TextIndexes and contains full text of international literature regarding gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual, and transgender issues.
- ProjectMuseIndexes citations for books and articles as wells as full text articles and ebooks from scholarly presses.
- Academic Search PremierProvides selected full text, scholarly, and peer reviewed articles in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
- Ethnic NewswatchIncludes current newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and community publications of the ethnic, minority, and native presses. Includes scholarly journals on ethnicities and ethnic studies. Provides full text in English and Spanish.