Electrical and Computer Engineering: Books, Reports & Dissertations

Resources in electrical engineering, electronics and computer engineering

Requesting Books & Articles

While the Portland State Library has a large collection of books, articles, and journals, we may not have a specific item you are looking for. In that case, you may be able to get it for you from another library.

  • If you find an item in the catalog and our copy is not available you can Request from other libraries

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Use the search box on the Ebooks page to quickly find books the Library has available online. 

EBook online access link

Technical Reports

Dissertations and Theses

Find Books Using Subjects

Find books on your topic by using a keyword search to find relevant subject headings. For example, search the keyword, Sustainability, in the PSU Library catalog. Under the details for the book entitled, Sustainability, the subject headings lead to other relevant books on this topic. The Subject links in the left-hand column provide pertinent results too.

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Electrical & Computer Engineering Subject Headings

Subject Headings
Subject headings allow you to search library catalogs for materials on a particular topic. Often subject heading searching can be more productive than searching by simple keywords. Listed here are some major subject headings of interest for research in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Copies of the complete set of the Library of Congress Subject Headings are available at the reference desk in the library.

Computer Engineering
Computer Systems
Electric Engineering
Electric Power Systems