Speech and Hearing: Find Books
PSU Library Catalog - Books
Dissertations/Theses by PSU students may be found by searching Vikat, our online catalog. To search for Dissertations/Theses written by non-PSU affiliated students, try Dissertation Abstracts International.
Electronic Resources
- Dissertations and Masters Theses Global (ProQuest)Maintains citations, abstracts, and full text of dissertations from 1997 to the present along with citations and abstracts for selected masters theses from 1962 to the present. Includes subject, title, and author indexing to U.S. dissertations from 1861 to the present.
Requesting Books
While the Portland State Library has a large collection of books, articles, and journals, we may not have a specific item you are looking for. In that case, you may be able to get it for you from another library.
- If you find an item in the catalog and our copy is not available you can Request from other libraries
Find Books Using Subject Headings
LC Subject Headings
Subject headings allow you to search library catalogs for materials on a particular topic. Often subject heading searching can be more productive than searching by simple keywords. Listed here are some major subject headings of interest for research in speech and hearing. Copies of the complete set of the Library of Congress Subject Headings are available at the reference desk on the second floor of the library.
Articulation Disorder
Communication Disorder
Communicative Disorder
Hearing Impaired
Sign Language
Speech Disorders-Rehabilitation
Speech Therapy
Speech-Language Pathology
Word Deafness
Voice Disorder
Books/ Book Chapters
Books/Book Chapters
Reference Books:
The following handbooks, dictionaries, statistical sources, tables contain detailed or procedural information specific to the subject areas addressed.
Assessment in Special-Language Pathology: A Resource Manual RC423.S49 1998 |
Comprehensive Dictionary of Audiology Illustrated RF291.S73 1997 |
Dictionary of Communication Disorders RC423.M597 1997 |
Directory of Speech-Language Pathology Assessment Instruments RC423.D555 |
Handbook of Clinical Speech Physiology QP306.B28 1999 |
Quick Reference of Speech-Language Pathology RC423.P665 1999 |
Singular Illustrated Dictionary of Audiology BF290.M464 1999 |
Special-Language Pathology Desk Reference RC423.R586 1998 |
Tests and measurements in speech-language pathology RC423 .T435 2001 |