Speech and Hearing: Find Articles
Scholarly, Professional, Popular?
The first thing you should do when you have a research assignment is figure out what types of article sources are required or allowed. Some professors require you to use only scholarly peer-reviewed journals while others might let you use professional journals (also known as trade journals.
Scholarly article - written by an expert in the field and reviewed by peers who are experts in the same area. In many databases, you can limit your search to scholarly, peer-reviewed or refereed journals to weed out any non-scholarly content.
Professional/trade article - Trade or professional journals can have articles written by experts in the field or by staff writers. The articles are only reviewed by editors for style, so they go through a less rigorous review process. The articles often do not contain reference lists.
Popular journals - Written for a general audience rather than for professionals or scholars. Examples include The New Yorker, People, and Rolling Stone.
Requesting Articles
While the Portland State Library has a large collection of books, articles, and journals, we may not have a specific item you are looking for. In that case, you may be able to get it for you from another library.
- If you find an item in the catalog and our copy is not available you can Request from other libraries
- PubMed (Interface for MEDLINE)Provides citations and abstracts for journal articles in all areas of medical practice and research from 1953 to the present.
- PsycINFOMaintains citations and abstracts for journal articles, books, and dissertations in psychology about human behavior from 1879 to the present. Nearly 2500 journals are indexed in PsycINFO, and the database is updated weekly.
Abstracts and sometimes fulltext can be found by searching the following databases. Remember that you will need an Odin account to access these resources from off campus.
- Academic Search PremierProvides selected full text, scholarly, and peer reviewed articles in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
- Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)Indexes journal citations and other publications covering all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
- ERIC (EBSCO interface)Includes citations and full-text access to education research found in journals, books, and grey literature.
Search Google Scholar
Find it @ PSU
If the article citation does not include links to the full text, click on the Find it @ PSU button to check availability. Find it @ PSU is the link to the full text article or the call number and location for the print article.
If the PSU Library does not hold the article online or in print, order it through Interlibrary Loan & Article Delivery.
Important Note about Using Find it@ PSU from Google Scholar
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