BA 302 Organizational Behavior: Cite Sources

Citing Business Sources in APA Style

Unless otherwise specified, the preferred citation style used in business is APA (7th edition). The following guide provides guidelines and examples for citing PSU Library business databases. 

Online Citation Guides

Style Guides:

Tips on Paraphrasing & Avoiding Plagiarism:

Citation Help @ PSU

Citing ChatGPT and other AI Tools

Auto Citation: Pro & Con

Many databases provide automatically formatted citations based on popular styles -- see screenshots below. While these are convenient and useful, they may not always be accurate or correct. Review and if needed, edit the automatically generated citations to make sure they are properly formatted. 

By the same token, while Citation Management Tools such as Zotero are wonderful, they may not handle certain specialized business sources very well. Again, review and edit your citations whenever necessary. 

Cite articles from the PSU Library Catalog

Click on the article title, then click CITATION, choose the style you want (APA, MLA, etc.), then click COPY TO CLIPBOARD:

article citation tool in catalog

Cite articles from EBSCO databases such as Business Source Premier

Many databases have built-in citation generators. The EbscoHost databases include a Cite link in each full record.

Ebsco Host citation link

Cite articles from Google Scholar

Click on the cite tool under the record and you will see automatically generated references in common styles (APA, MLA, etc.):Google Scholar Citation link