HST 390: Animals and Society: Welcome

Winter 2022, Dr. Molly Baer Kramer.


This guide will assist students in finding books, articles, primary sources, and historical statistics for HST 390. It covers

  • Using the catalog to find academic monographs (books)
  • Using history research databases to find peer reviewed articles
  • Searching government documents
  • Finding primary sources
  • Finding historical statistics.

See Also

Dr. J. Wendel Cox, Historian Librarian at Dartmouth College, also happens to be a historian of human-animal interactions.  He has created this excellent and thorough guide that may be of interest.

Government Documents Librarian

Profile Photo
Joan Petit
Email: jpetit@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-4542
Office: 280F, Library

History Librarian, Prof. Joan Petit

Profile Photo
Joan Petit
Email: jpetit@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-4542
Office: 280F, Library