Fiction: Using the Catalog to Search

Using the catalog to search

Now that you've learned about how our library is organized and gotten some recommendations, here is some information about searching for a specific book or author in the library catalog. You can access the catalog on the library homepage:

PSU Library has primarily fiction in print books, but we do have some fiction ebooks and are adding more.

Finding books in the library catalog

The quickest way to find something to read is by using the library catalog. You can search by author or title.

If you want to read a book by Toni Morrison, you can start by searching for her name in the catalog.Screen shot of catalog search for Toni Morrison.

After you have some search results, narrow down your results using the filters on the left of the page. First, you can select Print Books and/or eBooks, depending on your preference.

screenshot of Resource Types

Since there has been a lot written about her, you might also use the Author filter to narrow it down to books written by her.

screenshot of Author filter

The results should be books written by Toni Morrison that you can get from the shelf of the PSU Library, or Find & Request it from another library. Once you know where one Toni Morrison book is located in the library, the rest of her books will be alongside it.

screenshot of catalog results with arrows.

Requesting Books from Other Libraries

If the item you’re looking for isn’t available at the PSU Library, you might see a Request from Other Libraries option that will allow you to request a physical copy or, if it's a book, a PDF of an individual chapter.  

  • First, sign in to the catalog to enable the request function;
  • If the item is not available from our library, you can click the Request button for the physical copy or chapter PDF under Request from Other Libraries;
  • The system will automatically prioritize fastest delivery;
  • When your request has been filled, you will be notified by PSU email.

Request Books from Other Libraries

If a book you need is not available from our library, you can request it using the "Request from Other Libraries" option in the catalog record.

Note that course textbooks are often not available to borrow from other libraries.    

Finding eBooks

Use the search box on the Ebooks page to quickly find books the Library has available online or use the "ebooks" limit to filter your search results. 

eBook online access link in the library item brief record