PHE 327U - Community Nutrition: Background Research
Two-pronged approach
Researching a problem requires you to look into its background. You will need to find its causes and proposed solutions. For your assignment there are going to be two kinds of background research. First, you will need to show a holistic understanding of the problem. Information about this can usually be found in scholarly encyclopedias. (Scholarly articles are often too precise and do not offer broad backgrounds.) Second, you will need to discover the scope of the problem; how many people does this affect? This kind of question can be answered with statistics. Below you'll find resources that will help you discover broad backgrounds of problems, and some statistical sources to explore as you research for your final project.
Statistical Sources
- Kaiser Family Foundation's State Health Facts OnlineThis resource contains the latest state-level data on demographics, health, and health policy, including health coverage, access, financing, and state legislation.
- Sage DataContains national, state-level, and local level historical data for the areas of agriculture, crime and law enforcement, defense, economy, education, employment and labor, energy and environment, geography, government finances, health, households and housing, political science, population, social welfare as well as transportation. Replaces Sage Stats.
- National Center for Health StatisticsCompiles statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve the health of U.S. citizens.
- PolicyMapProvides mapping, data, and analytics tools on U.S. demographics, real estate, health, jobs, education, and more topics. Mapping allows for multiple layers and editable data ranges.
- Social ExplorerSocial Explorer is an online research tool designed to access current and historical U.S. Census data and demographic information. It contains maps, profile reports, data elements, and variables.
Search for Subject Encyclopedias (PSU Only)
The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health by
Call Number: ebookISBN: 9781414498768Publication Date: 2013-06-06The Encyclopedia of Primary Prevention and Health Promotion by
Call Number: RA427.8 .H43 2013 -- 2nd Floor ReferenceISBN: 0306472961Publication Date: 2003-01-31The Gale Encyclopedia of Environmental Health by
Call Number: ebookISBN: 9781414498805Publication Date: 2013-06-07Nutrition in Public Health by
Call Number: RA601 .N84 2006 - 5th floorISBN: 9780763783587Publication Date: 2005-09-26Practical Public Health Nutrition by
Call Number: ebookISBN: 9781444329216Publication Date: 2010-10-12