Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies: Searching the Library Catalog

Pin It to My Favorites Video

Library Catalog Tour Video

Managing Your Research Using My Favorites

A great way to manage your research is using My Favorites within the library catalog.  

To start with, make sure to sign in. 


Once you are signed in, you can save individual item records to My Favorites by selecting the Pin icon or the Save to My Favorites option in the record.


And you can save the entire search, with filters and limiters included so that you can find those resources again.

Save this search to my favorites


To access my favorites, select the Pin Icon or the Save to My Favorites Option next to your name in the upper right hand corner of the webpage. If you don't see your name there it means you have not signed in. Select the sign in and follow the prompts to make sure you can use this important tool.


In My Favorites you can organize resources using labels.

Using labels in My Favorites