MGMT 428 Team Processes: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Handbooks
Handbooks are similar to encyclopedias but more focused on a specific area, and each 'executive summary' is chapter length with more in-depth coverage of the field. Handbooks typically have 5-10 pages of citations at the end of the summary. To find additional handbooks try a keyword search in the Portland State Library catalog, using handbook and your topic area.
The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Decision Making by
ISBN: 0199644586The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Behavior by
ISBN: 9781847875877APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology (ebook) by
ISBN: 1433807270
- Sage eReferenceContains full text encyclopedias and reference books in the social sciences and humanities. Search by keyword or browse by topic.
Click on Business & Management or Psychology to access relevant encyclopedias or do a keyword search in the search box.
Scholarly Dictionaries are the go-to source for definitions of terms as used specifically by a particular discipline (terms may have different meanings, usages between different disciplines like psychology and sociology).
Oxford Dictionary of Psychology (ebook) by
Call Number: BF31 .C65 2001ISBN: 0198662114 9780198662112Oxford Companion to the Mind (ebook) by
ISBN: 9780198662242