BA 385 Business Environment: Industry Info

Which industry does your company operate in?

Most library databases that provide Company Profiles will include the primary industry (and sometimes secondary industries) the company is in.

In Business Insights: scroll down a company profile to the industry section

business insights company industries

In Mergent Online:

Mergent Online company profile industry classification

In IBISWorld, type in your company's name (or a main player's name if your company doesn't yield good results) to find relevant industry information:

 ibisworld find industry a company operates in

Industry/Trade Associations

An industry association is established to advocate for the industry and associated companies. They collect and provide unique data/articles/reports. Sometimes these sources are on their websites for free.

To find the industry association websites:

  • Do a Google search with keywords followed by "association".
  • Industry profiles in library databases may have a section for related associations. For example, in the IBISWorld report, look under the External Environment -> Assistance -> Non-government section.

Industry & Market Research Reports

