Special Education: Articles
Recommended Databases
These are likely to be the best online sources in which to start your research.
- Education SourceIncludes citations and full text articles from education research journals, books, and conference papers.
- ERIC (EBSCO interface)Includes citations and full-text access to education research found in journals, books, and grey literature.
- Professional Development CollectionIncludes full text of educator magazines and journals from the mid 1990s to the present.
- Google ScholarGoogle scholar is a good complement to our regular library databases. It finds a lot of full-text articles, and can help you search for interdisciplinary topics.
Related Databases
While not specifically education resources, depending on your topic, these could be excellent sources.
- PsycINFOMaintains citations and abstracts for journal articles, books, and dissertations in psychology about human behavior from 1879 to the present. Nearly 2500 journals are indexed in PsycINFO, and the database is updated weekly.
- Sociological AbstractsIndexes citations to journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, and conference proceedings in the field of sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences.
How to Find Articles
Find it @ PSU
If the article you have found in a database doesn't have the full-text right there, click on the button to see if the article is available in full-text in another database.
If we do have it, it will take you to a page that shows you where it's available
(if you see a Download Article link, you can click to access the electronic copy).
Interlibrary Loan When We Don't Have It
If we don't have a journal article you need for your research in our collection, we can get it for you!
Just request it through Interlibrary Loan.
Please note: it can take 5 days to a week or more to secure an article from another library.
Find a specific article
If you have the citation for a specific article, here are two ways to find it:
1. Go to the PSU Google Scholar (availabe under "Research Tools" on the library homepage).
Type in the article title and see if a link comes up.
If it doesn't try the second way below.
2. Go to the library catalog on the library homepage.
Type the journal title into the search box.
If PSU has the journal it will show up. It may be in print or online, just follow the links.
If we don't have your journal article try interlibrary loan.
Key Journals
This list includes some of the major journals in the field of special education. The links will take you to a clickable list of the databases in which these journals are available. The library holds many additional journals in special education.
- Exceptional Children
- Research in developmental disabilities
- Journal of learning disabilities
- American journal on mental retardation (Title changed to American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities in 2009.)
- Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders
- Journal of fluency disorders
- Journal of positive behavior interventions
- Journal of special education
- Journal of intellectual disability research