Public Administration: Books & eBooks
Selected Books
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance by
Call Number: ebookISBN: 3319209280Publication Date: 2018Management in Public Administration : Developments and Challenges in Adaption of Management Practices Increasing Public Value by
Call Number: ebookISBN: 9783658226879Publication Date: 2018Public Value and Public Administration (ebook) by
Call Number: onlineISBN: 162616262XPublication Date: 2015-08-28Surveillance, Transparency, and Democracy (ebook) by
Call Number: onlineISBN: 9780817388768Publication Date: 2015-08-01Creating Public Value in Practice by
Call Number: JC423 .C736 2015 - 3rd FloorISBN: 9781482214604Publication Date: 2015-02-13Bureaucracy and Self-Government by
Call Number: JK411 .C66 2014 -- 3rd FloorISBN: 1421415518Publication Date: 2015-12-01
Browse for Books
Sometimes browsing the library stacks can help you find books you didn't even know you were looking for. The following are good areas to peruse.
HB, HC: Economic theory, conditions
HD: Industries, labor
HF: Business, accounting, and marketing
HJ: Public finance
HT: Communities
JF: Political institutions and public administration
JK: US politics and government
KF: US law
KFO: Oregon law
RA: Public health
Maps of the library are available at the 2nd floor Reference Desk, elevator lobbies, and also online.
eBook Collections
For a comprehensive list of ebook packages, please visit the Databases and Articles page to sort library resources by ebook format. The following are recommended for starters.
- ProjectMuseIndexes citations for books and articles as wells as full text articles and ebooks from scholarly presses.
- Business Expert Press Digital LibraryCollects applied, concise ebooks on a wide range of business topics including management, accounting, supply chain, international business, and entrepreneurship.
- Sage Research Methods OnlineContains full text, Sage research methods books, handbooks, and encyclopedias. Includes videos and interactive mapping tools.
- Taylor and Francis ebooksProvides full text access to Taylor and Francis selected ebooks as well as ebooks from Routledge.
PSU Library Catalog - Book Search
Results include both print books and ebooks, available from Portland State Library and other libraries.
Find Books by Subject
After you find a useful book, scroll down to the "Details" tab of the book's "Subjects." Here you'll find a list of related subjects that you might consider adding to your search. You can also click on a subject link in the record, e.g. clicking on "Administrative agencies" would bring up a list of all the Library's books, journals, etc. on that topic.
To modify your search to include a subject, use the advanced search. The advanced search allows you to type in your desired subject and be sure to specify your search field as "in subject."
Useful Subjects
Administrative Law | Environmental Policy | Intercultural Communication | Public Administration -- United States |
Affirmative Action Programs | Environmental Protection | International Organization | Public Contracts |
Benchmarking (Management) | Environmental Risk Assessment | International Relations | Public Lands |
Civil Service | Finance, Public | Knowledge Management | Public- Private Sector Cooperation |
Collective Bargaining | Forest Policy | Medical Policy | Social Sciences -- Research-- Methodology |
Common Good | Globalization | Natural Resources -- Government Policy | Strategic Planning |
Communication in Organizations | Health Services Administration | Non-governmental Organizations | Sustainable Development |
Conflict Resolution | Housing Policy | Nonprofit Organizations | Urban Ecology |
Crisis Management | Human Services | Operations Research | Urban Transportation Policy |
Disaster Relief | Industrial Management | Organizational Change | |
Emergency Management | Industrial Organization | Organizational Learning | |
Energy Policy | Industrial Productivity | Personnel Management |
Finding eBooks
Use the search box on the Ebooks page to quickly find books the Library has available online.