UNST 133y - Work of Art - Trimble: Welcome!

Welcome to your University Studies Library Guide!

Welcome to your Library course guide for freshman inquiry, Work of Art!

In this course guide, you will find useful information about Library resources and services to support your college success! Take time to browse these web pages. There are videos and screenshots that describe key approaches to research for your papers and presentations.

If you have any questions, Ask a Librarian!

Library Services

front of the library building

The Library is reopening for Fall 2024. We will continue updating our Library Closure FAQ in the meantime. 

Help is available via Ask a Librarian.

ASE Research Model


Use the acronym, ASE, for your research strategy!

your topic to discover keywords, related terms, synonyms. Use scholarly subject encyclopedias for background information.

for articles, books, and documentaries. List relevant databases.

the resources....Are they relevant? Are they current? Peer reviewed? Scholarly or popular?


School of Library and Information Studies, The Florida State University. (2010). Research led by Dr. Melissa Gross and Dr. Don LathamProject funded by The Institute of Museum and Library Services, which is the primary source of federal support for the nation's 123,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The Institute's mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas.

Special Topics Library Guides

Reference & Instruction Librarian

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Kimberly Willson
Subjects: University Studies