Database Tutorial: What is Mybestsegments and how to use it
What is MyBestSegments?
MyBestSegments provides lifestyle segmentation information by zip code and you can also identify top counties for specific segments. Sometimes patrons refer to it as Claritas (company name), PRIZM (one of the segmentation systems), or Nielsen (company that developed the systems). Our subscription to MyBestSegments covers the following segmentation systems:
- PRIZM Premier – defined by socioeconomic ranks (e.g., Upper Crust)
- P$YCLE – focuses on financial and investment behaviors (e.g., Bargain Lovers)
- ConneXions – emphasis on technology behavior and usage (e.g., Cyber Sophisticates)
How to use MyBestSegments?
Click on the database link (above), then click on Client Login (upper right side of the page):
Use one of the logins in the Special Logins document (link in database description above). After logging in, click on the My Best Segments icon:
Click on the link Zip Code Lookup, enter zip code in the box, then click Submit:
You will see the top segments for that zip code. Click on each segment for details. The default segmentation system is PRIZM Premier; click on the other two tabs for segments in those systems (e.g., P$ycle). ** The numbers before the segments (17 for Urban Elders) are NOT percentages (percentages for the segments for the zip code area are not available in our subscription package); they are just codes for those segments in the system.
The default landing page for segment details is the Snapshot. Click on the other tabs for more details on demographics, lifestyles, and media habits (** our subscription DOES NOT include the Premium tab). Click on Download Segment Details for a full profile of the segment in PDF.
After you are done, go back to the first page or click Client Login again to see the main menu, then click on the Log Out icon to log out so others can use the site: