MGMT 351 - Firth: Searching in Web of Science
Direct Link to Web of Science
- Web of ScienceMaintains citation searching for high impact research journals in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and sciences and includes emerging sources citation indexing from 2005.
Searching in Web of Science
You can do one search within all the approved journals (screenshots below):
When you first log in to Web of Science, you see one search box. Click "Add row" to add another search box:
In the first box, enter your keyword(s). You can use AND, OR, NOT, e.g., (employ* OR personnel) AND (recruitment OR selection), to construct a more precise search. Click on Search Tips (next to the Search button) for more information.
In the second box, type in the journals in your list (put journal titles in quotation marks, then connect them with OR), then change the drop-down menu to Publication Name: ** example below includes only three journals but you can do so with all journals on your list
The results will show you all articles with keyword "recruitment" from the three journals in the second search box:
The initial results include all types of articles, including research articles (the real "peer-reviewed articles"), book reviews (NOT peer-reviewed), editorials (NOT peer-reviewed), and others. Scroll down to Document Types under Refine Results (left menu), and check the boxes Article and Review, then click Refine. That will limit your results to only real peer-reviewed articles. ** Full list of document types and their definitions
Browse the initial search results to narrow, modify, or broaden your search (i.e., try different keywords or combinations of keywords). When you find a highly relevant article, observe the keywords listed in the article record and use those for another search to retrieve something similar.
To find the full text article, click on Find it @ PSU:
It will take you to the library catalog article record. Click on the link after Available online at to get to the full text article (** Elsevier is just the name of the platform for this particular journal; the name of the link can be different depending on the journal)
All journals in your list should be available in full text online (although coverage may vary). If you find an article that's not available in full text, you can request it via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) by following the instruction on the library catalog record (instead of "Available online at", you should see a link to the ILL page where you can request the article). ** It's best to use articles that are already available via the Library, as ILL may take a few days.
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