INTL 360U Bollywood: Communicating Contemporary South Asia through Cinema: Finding e-Books
Finding e-Books
Having selected your general topic, it is good idea to move on to ebooks.
All ebooks accessed through the PSU Library catalog are accessible to PSU students.
For a detailed guide on using AND/OR/NOT commands in our catalog, see the Search Techniques guide.
Using the PSU Catalog
1) Begin by typing your search terms into the Library search bar:
2) On the results page, limit to "resource type." Notice the e-book option.
3) After selecting "ebooks" as the resource type, our example of "Bollywood AND race" yields 17 ebooks on the topic.
4) This approach works for a variety of topics. An example, the same technique applies for the search "Bollywood AND class."
Advanced Searching
Using the Advanced Search, you can try more complex searching. Be mindful of synonyms.
Instead of "Bollywood," you can also try "Indian Cinema" to find new results.
Using Advanced search, you can search both terms at once. While "Bollywood AND race" yielded 17 ebooks, a search for
Bollywood OR "Indian Cinema" AND race gives us 22 results, suggesting our first search missed a few.