SOC 337U Prejudice, Privilege & Power: Citing Sources
American Sociological Association Style Guides
- ASA Citation StyleFrom Purdue OWL
Journal Article Citation Example, from Purdue OWL:
Author's full name, inverted so that last name appears first. Year. “Article Title in Title Caps and in Quotes.” Journal Title in Title Caps and Italicized Volume Number(Issue Number):page numbers of article.
Note that there is no space after the colon preceding page numbers. For multiple authors, invert last name of first author only. Separate with commas, unless there are only two authors. Use and between last two authors.
Conger, Rand. 1997. "The Effects of Positive Feedback on Direction and Amount of Verbalization in a Social Setting." American Journal of Sociology 79:1179-259.
Coe, Deborah L., and James D. Davidson. 2011. “The Origins of Legacy Admissions: A Sociological Explanation.” Review of Religious Research 52(3):233-47.