Counseling & Counselor Education: Books
PSU Library Catalog - Books
Results include both print books and ebooks, available from Portland State Library and other libraries.
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Using Subject Headings to Find Books
Subject headings allow you to search library catalogs for materials on a particular topic.
Often subject heading searching can be more productive than searching by simple keywords.
Listed here are some major subject headings of interest for research in counseling.
If you want to find other subject headings just ask a reference librarian.
community and school
counseling in elementary education
counseling in secondary education
education- parent participation
educational counseling
educational tests and measurements
family counseling
family psychotherapy
marriage counseling
rehabilitation -- counseling
school psychology
Where are Counseling Books in the Library?
Books in the library are organized by call number and are located between the basement and 5th floors.
Books that are similar will be grouped together, so it's often worthwhile to browse the collection.
Here are the most common places you will likely find books related to counseling.
LB 1027.5 - School Counseling
RC 321-571 - Neurology and Psychiatry, Neuropsychiatry, Diseases of the Nervous System
RC 554 -569.5 - Personality Disorders, Behavior Problems (including sexual problems, drug abuse, suicide, child abuse)
RF 110-320 - Otology, Diseases of the Ear
RJ 496 - Language, speech and hearing disorders and development
LC 3950-4806.5 - Exceptional Children and Youth, Special Education
BF 712-724.85 - Developmental Psychology
BF 721-723 - Child Psychology
HD7255.5 - Rehabilitation Counseling
HQ 767.8-792.2 -Children, Child Development (including child rearing, child life, play, socialization, children's rights).
HV -Social Service
HV 701-1420.5 -Social Service to Children
HV 873-887 - Social Service to Destitute, Neglected, and Abandoned Children
HV 888-907 - Social Service to Handicapped Children
HV 1421 -1441 - Social Service to Young Adults, Youth, Teenagers
HV 1494 - 4013 - Social Service to persons with specific disabilities