Curriculum & Lesson Plans: Home


This guide includes resources to help with your curriculum and lesson planning.

You may also find the library's Education Research Guide helpful.

Curriculum: State Resources

Professional Association Curriculum & Standards Sources

National Association for Music Education

National Business Education Association

National Council of Teachers of English

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

National Council for the Social Studies

National Art Education Association

National Science Teachers Association

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

Education World's Links to Standards - A listing of content areas with links to standards articulated by the subject area
national organizations.

Planning Resources

Teachers.Net Lesson Plans

EdSitement - National Endowment for the Humanities K12 curriculum site

Library of Congress Classroom Materials

New York Times The Learning Network

Evaluating material found on the Internet

The internet is a fabulous resource for teachers and students. One caution though is that unlike edited publications, you are on your own to decide currency, accuracy, bias, and relevance. Critical evaluation of resources is always important but even more so in the web environment. These resources provide some overviews and checklists for evaluating web resources.

Finding Information on the Internet: A Tutorial  -- An excellent comprehensive tutorial covering search engines, search strategies and content evaluation techniques.

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Michelle Desilets

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Subject headings for books about teaching and pedagogy in specific subject areas follow this pattern:

specific topic-- study and teaching (educational level)

Some examples:

  • language arts -- study and teaching -- primary
  • mathematics -- study and teaching -- elementary
  • social sciences -- study and teaching -- secondary
  • biology -- study and teaching -- higher

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