PSY 321 Research Methods - Hancock: Search Google Scholar

Google Scholar


Google Scholar is an excellent resource, especially for its familiar and inituitive interface. However, users should be aware of some differences between Google Scholar and disciplinary scholarly databases. Google Scholar searches across academic publisher websites, .edu sites, .gov sites and more. The search then is much broader than a database that focuses on a specific discipline.

Google Scholar does have an advanced search feature, but it lacks some other features. For example, it does not have a way of limiting the search to the particular methdology employed by the researcher.

Search for an Article Using Google Scholar

Use Google Scholar from the PSU Library, and enter the title of the article. If the Library has the article, there will be a link to the right, Find it @ PSU.

screenshot of search result in Google Scholar


Find it @ PSU leads to the full text article in the PSU Library catalog.

screenshot of article access link in Library catalog


If it is not available full text through Google Scholar, PSU Library could still hold the article in print. Search for the journal to see the Library's holdings. If the library does not hold the journal at all, order it from Interlibrary Loan & Article Delivery.

Google Scholar Advanced Search

Video tutorial on the advanced search in Google Scholar, produced by Walden University Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota.