PSY 321 Research Methods - Schemmel: Get Full Text
Find it @ PSU
Our article databases are enabled with a Find It @ PSU green button which connects you from the database you are searching to the holdings of specific articles in our Library.
If the article citation in your search results does not include a link to the full text PDF file, use the green Find It @ PSU button to check online or print availability via the Library catalog.
If the PSU Library does not hold the article online, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan & Article Delivery.
If you have a citation...or most of one
Type/Copy & Paste the article title in Google Scholar, then click on Find it @ PSU on the right side of the result page:
Searching for a Known Article Video: PSU Library Catalog
Google Scholar Video
This video describes how to quickly access a full text article from a citation using Google Scholar.