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The Tempest 
As well as the text of the play and scholarly annotations, there are essays about the text, its history, themes, sources reception, past staging and vairous issues of critical concern.

In this Guide


This guide provides resources and tools to support your work in your Bibliographic essay assignment,

  • Encyclopedia & Reference Works: Resources that give overviews and context for your topic. Good sources for preliminary reading on your work, or author, or theory, or topic. These are more like tertiary level sources where you'll find summaries of primary works and also sometimes synthesis of earlier secondary work, the author's oeuvre, genres, or themes.
  • Finding books and critical essays: Resources providing summaries of criticism as well as identifying critical articles, essays, chapters and monographs which you could include in your  bibliographic essay.
  • Finding Journal Articles:  Resources and instructions on how to find academic articles which would be the sources you include in your  bibliographic essay.
  • MLA Bibliography: The MLA International Bibliography is the most important database for literary and language study. Using it you can identify journal articles books, and book chapters that you can use in bibliographic essay.
  • Using the Library & LIbrary Web Site:  Learn how to use the Library, including searching the catalog, finding books on the shelf or ordering books via Summit
  • Citing Sources: Online and print resources on citing books and articles. Includes links to online citation generators, style guides and citation management software.

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Subject Librarian

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Joan Petit
Email: jpetit@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-4542
Office: 280F, Library