WLL 560: Principles of Scholarly Research: Critical & Literary Interpretation

Critical Interpretation

In library catalogs, add the phrase "criticism and interpretation" to searches on your author as subject or to the particular work.

Borges, Jorge Luis, 1899-1986 -- Criticism and interpretation.

Akutagawa, Ryūnosuke, 1892-1927 -- Criticism and interpretation..

Bulgakov, Mikhail, 1891-1940 -- Criticism and interpretation.

Yoshimoto, Banana, 1964- -- Criticism and interpretation.

Author Biography

Full length books about an author may be found in library catalogs.  Use the author's name and dates as a subject heading search, e.g.

Borges, Jorge Luis, 1899-1986

Akutagawa, Ryūnosuke, 1892-1927

Bulgakov, Mikhail, 1891-1940

Yoshimoto, Banana, 1964-

Reference sources will include shorter biographies, and will often provide recommended full length works.

Critical Theory

A selected list of online resources examining the concepts and definitions regarding critical theory. (NOTE: click on "View Online" to access the resource.)

Publishing & Textual History

In addition to journal articles which may address some aspect of the publishing history of a work, search library catalogs with additional keywords to focus your results.  Suggested keywords, phrases or subject searches to try:

  • "critical editions"
  • facisimile editions published by university presses
  • Add the term "bibliography" to a subject search on your work to pull up authoratative comprehensive bibliographies on the work which you would expect to include works on textual history as well as cricitism.
  • add the subject term "authorship" to your work or to your author as a subject; e.g. "Melville, Herman, 1819-1891 -- Authorship"

Subject Author Search:  add the subject term

"criticism, textual" to your author as a subject; e.g.

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851  -- Criticism, Textual.


Critical Editions:  Critical editions are published texts incorporating a detailed and scholarly analysis and commentary about a work.  For searching, use the phrase 

"critical editions"

to discover these materials in the library collection.

Facsimile Editions: Facisimile editions are an edition of a book, etc, that is an exact reproduction of an earlier edition and are generally publshed by university presses. As with critical editions, use the phrase "facsimile editions" in your search.