Citing Business Sources in APA Style: Citation Managers & Generators

Citation Managers and Citation Generators

Consult the Manage Citations library guide for definitions of and tips on using citation management tools (e.g., Zotero, Mendeley). In most business guides, there is a tab called Cite Sources that also provides additional information.

"Auto" Citation Buttons/Links

The PSU Library Catalog, many of our databases, and Google Scholar, provide citation buttons/links that will generate references (not in-text citation) automatically. While convenient, these tools may generate citations with minor errors that need to be corrected manually (e.g., if an article title is in all caps in a database, the auto-generated citation may use all caps for article title, which is incorrect per APA style rules). 

Cite Articles from EBSCO Databases (e.g., Business Source Premier)

Many databases have built-in citation generators. The EbscoHost databases include a Cite link in each full record.

Ebsco Host citation link

Cite articles from the PSU Library Catalog

Click on the article title, then click CITATION, choose the style you want (APA, MLA, etc.), then click COPY TO CLIPBOARD:

article citation tool in catalog

Cite articles from Google Scholar

Click on the cite tool under the record and you will see automatically generated references in common styles (APA, MLA, etc.):Google Scholar Citation link